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1) Advanced techniques/ High-techs, mass tourism, the leisure industry and community services seem to have a huge (tremendous) growth potential.


2) How did the Hi-tech revolution come about?


3) Among new economic sectors, the sectors of/ those of health maintenance, pharmaceutical medicine and surgery to be mentioned.


4) Global/ world trade has been undergoing in very rapid way and radical/ dramatic changes.


5) The World Trade Organization came into/ was established operation in 1995.


6) Is he a proponent of free trade or does he support protectionism?


7) The difference fundamental between the GATT and the WTO is that while the former is only an international agreement whereas the later is an organization.


8) The deregulation eliminates/ cancels bureaucratic complexities/ a burdensome bureaucracy.


9) Undeniably, the American industry tends to relocate some production units/ facilities, especially to Mexico, to benefit/ in order to take advantage of/ from lower wages.


10) Today, no enterprise/ firm can ignore globalization that is, a single global market for goods/ commodities/, capital and trade services.


11) The economic sovereignty of states is questioned/ challenged by the globalization of trade.


12) Our major industrial groups want to relocate/ move the production of spare parts/ components in foreign countries.


13) The opponents to free trade claim that stock markets and central banks lay down the law, and fear the widening of the gap between the haves and the have-nots.

14) In world trade as in the domestic trade, the winning edge lies in customers relation and reliability


15) Access to capital markets has become easier and enable ( or make it possible to) the small enterprises to grab/ take market shares from larger ones/ big corporations.






The government can rely on tax incentives and employment aids to develop the foreign setting-up.


In the 60’s, automation and robotization had widely contributed to the decrease of unskilled jobs.


Our firm has found a market worldwide for machine tools and others equipment goods.


A strong currency and an extensive social welfare system are drawbacks as regards world competitors.


Do firms have other duties than generate profits?


The fight for survival give priority to the interest of shareholders over the one of employees or communities.


Currently, the government plan a wage freeze.


A devaluation often results in an increase in production costs, prices and wages.


Although the revival is confirmed in most European countries, prospects remain gloomy for some of them, above all the southern countries.


It seems the unemployment in France has decreased during / in the course of the second quarter, but we have to include the sharp/ strong raise of summer seasonal jobs.


The GNP (Gross National Product) has raised 5.25%


The budget policy applies to government action as far as public expenditures are concerned.


The monetary policy concerns the measures implemented to control the money supply.


After an alarming unemployment rate, the job market has started to recover very slowly a few months ago


New incentives for capital investment are under consideration now.



1) Smokestacks industries such as coal & steel industries are no longer profitable in developed countries.

2) The service/ Services account for two-thirds of employments in industrialized countries.

3) Today, a lifetime employment with the same company is no longer possible.

4) Emerging countries are getting competitive even in the field/section of Hi-Tech.

5) The Daewoo subsidiary company established in the North-East of France is on the verge of bankruptcy and its closing down would lead/involve to 1,200 job cuts.

6) Our hard currency weights on our exports.

7) A surplus trade balance doesn’t necessarily involve on the new jobs creation / creation of new jobs.

8) A large number of/ A good many industrial sectors found it difficult to adapt to the economic environment.

9) As expected, the take over bid was a failure

10) The turnover has noticeably/ markedly/ significantly decreased compared with last year.

11) Mergers and acquisitions most particularly/ mostly concern economic sectors such as banking and insurance.

12) Horizontal integration aims at grouping/ concentrating under a single management companies operating in the same sector of activities.

13) Vertical integration aims at controlling each processes from production to marketing.

14) A monopoly is the privilege for each competitors to control a product or a service supply .

15) The annual sales of the biggest multinational companies exceed GDP of a large medium sized countries.



March 4, 2002

ü To account for: représenter, expliquer (nbre, %age)

ü An industrialist: un industriel

ü To give an account for: faire un récit, expliquer qqchose

ü An account: un compte en banque

ü To go bankruptcy: faire faillite

ü To file a petition: faire un dépôt de bilan

ü To wind up/ to go bust liquider une compagnie (bust vient de boost)

ü To slacker/ go down: ralentir

ü A(n) negative/ adverse/ deficit trade balance: une balance déficitaire

ü A credit/ surplus Trade balance: une balance excédentaire

ü To supply sb with: fournir qqchose à qqun

ü To provide sb with: procurer qqchose

ü A supplier: un fournisseur

ü Food supplies : ravitaillement


ü A provider: un fournisseur (de service)

ü GDP/GNP ou Gross Domestic Product/ Gross National Product : PIB/ PNB

ü A sales man: un vendeur en général

ü A shop assistant : un vendeur dans une boutique

ü A clerk: vendeur dans un grand magasin

He’s appointed for 3 months in our Dutch subsidiary company.

Lots of small & medium sized firms



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